The Walkerton and District Knights of Columbus (K of C) Council 2042, held its first meeting in October of 1919, just after the end of World War 1 when returning soldiers were trying to establish a normal life again. After fighting this war, the men were open to a new way of life - a model like Fr. Michael J. Mcgivney was showing. He founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882 by starting a group of concerned men based in a parish in Connecticut for the purpose of reaching out to help widows with families. Since there were no social safety services in place, Mcgivney established a base for insurance that would assist these widowed families. The basic premises of the Fraternity are service through Charity, Unity and Community. Locally, 100 initiated men gathered in a hall in downtown Walkerton in 1919 to conduct their many service projects. Their aim was to support church, school and community needs in Walkerton, Mildmay, Hanover, Formosa, Chepstow and surrounding areas. Over the years, many forms of K of C support have touched the lives of numerous students, teachers and parents. Assistance with expenses in programs, sports activity and competitions, awards for graduates and fundraising and missionary activity for students have been only a few examples of K of C support through the schools. Local parishes and families have been assisted in times of need. Our hospitals and nursing homes have been recipients of K of C volunteer hours and financial assistance. Special celebrations occurred with Bishop Crosby at Sacred Heart Church, October 27, 2019 and an open house at the Knights of Columbus Hall on the October 19, 2019 weekend.
Operating for over 40 years, the Ontario Knights of Columbus Charity Raffle is now known as “Charities Lottery”. We are pleased to announce that this year’s lottery will support Special Olympics Ontario celebrating the 50th anniversary of its conception. The Knights of Columbus who have been there from the beginning will continue to help promote a healthy and active lifestyle through sport to improve the well being of individuals with disabilities. We will also continue to support the Arthritis Society, to help fund research to cure this horrible and debilitating condition.
At Father Cummings Council 2042, we like to recognize and support our youth to help them become active, respectful citizens. In addition to the Columbian Squires (ages 10-18) program, we conduct
At Father Cummings Council 2042, we like to recognize and support our youth to help them become active, respectful citizens. In addition to the Columbian Squires (ages 10-18) program, we conduct
- Sports Competitions
- Essay Contests
- Poster Contests
- and more
Sacred Heart High School was the place to be for the Council Free throw Competition. Volunteers, students and
family members gathered for a fun morning.
Sacred Heart High School was the place to be for the Council Free throw Competition. Volunteers, students and
family members gathered for a fun morning.
Help us to help others. You may donate to the Father Cummings Council #2042 Trust to assist in our community service and for fundraising activities like supporting the Regional Hospice for South Bruce / Grey.
Knights of Columbus Council 2042 - Walkerton ON
Wayne Schnurr
Wayne Schnurr